functional training
Functional training is a type of training which places great importance on function. All the exercises that are done with this type of training are movements used in everyday life. This is actually a training strategy that is getting more and more popular. People are moving away from standard weight lifting since it is so limited in terms of its functional capacities. You can easily sculpt your body by performing functional training since it focuses on the activation of multiple muscle groups at once. It involves lots of small muscles used for balance and coordination. Figure out your goals, and decide if you want to add this training strategy to your arsenal.
start using functional training if:
Dont do functional training if:
Recommended functional exercises:
- Squats
- Squats with Shoulder Press
- Squats with Lateral Shoulder Raise
- Squats with Front Shoulder Raise
- Squats with explosive jump
- Lunges
- Lunge with Bicep Curl
- Lunge with Shoulder Press
- Lunge with Lateral Shoulder Raise
- Lunge with Front Shoulder Raise
- Lunge with Back Row
- Medicine Ball Squat with Overhead Lift
- Medicine Ball Diagonal Reach (Top to Bottom)
- Torso Rotation with Medicine Ball
- Medicine Ball Overhead Forward Slams
- Medicine Ball side to side overhead slams
- Standing Cable Chest Press
- Crunches
- Supine Hip Raises
- Plank
- Pushup
- Medicine Ball pushup
- Spider crawl with pushup
- Pull-ups
- Bosu ball (blue rubber side down) Squats
- Bosu ball (blue rubber side down) Squat + Shoulder Press
- Bosu Ball (blue rubber side down) Bicep Curl
- Bosu Ball (blue rubber side down) Overhead Tricep Extension
- Bosu Ball (blue rubber side down) single leg squat
- Bosu Ball (blue rubber side down) medicine ball woodchops
- Bosu Ball (blue rubber side down) deadlifts
- High Knees
- Mountain Climbers
- Burpees
- Explosive lunges
- Box Jumps
- Push-ups with knee to chest using cables
my recommendations:
Combine all of these exercises with a high intensity program for best results. If you are a beginner, start of slow, focusing on proper form. You don't want to look like the Hunchback of Notredame all because you did something wrong. Once you get the correct form, than you can start adding in multiple exercises. Most of these exercises target your core and abdominal muscles since they are performed standing up. You don't need to be doing a million crunches a day to have abs. Focus on maintaining the correct intensity, breathing, and correct form. Most of these exercises are great because they will help keep your heart rate high since they involve multiple muscles. I always throw in a bunch of these exercises a couple times a week so my body can recover from heavy weight training. If you want to look good you need to do a combination of different workout strategies, figure out where you are lacking and choose the correct training strategy to fill in the holes.